Thursday, February 12, 2009


Viola WWW, first developed in the early 1990s, was the first popular WWW web browser (though to a limited audience) which, until Mosaic, was the most frequently used web browser for access to the World Wide Web.Gillies and Cailliau in How the Web was Born offer an extensive history of the development of Viola. Viola was the invention of Pei-Yuan Wei, who at the time was a student at the University of California, Berkeley.

Created in 1992, it was the first browser to use authoring technology such as embedded script able objects, style sheets, and tables. According to Gilles and Cailliau "Viola was to become the first X-browser to make any impact, but even his early versions went down well at CERN...As this Viola WWW developed, it was to set the standard for everything to follow it." Ed Kroll also highlighted it in his popular 1992 text, Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog.

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